A bunch of us got together yesterday morning to start planning Interesting New York.
We discussed the spirit of Interesting:
- Interesting is a goal, not a claim
- It is an opportunity for people to share their passions and what they care about
- People talk because they're fascinated by something, not because they're good a public speaking
- Content is open source and sharable
- No agendas. No marketing.
- Sponsors give tangible things that make the day better
- Collaborative organizing
- Affordable for the average Joe/Jane
- Not for profit. Any extra money goes to charity
We talked about dates. And whether we should do it this summer or in the fall. August in New York is vacant, so that probably won't work. July seems ambitious, but possible. And September seems reasonable, but far off.
The day of week the conference should be held started an interesting debate. Saturday or weekday? Interesting London and Amsterdam are on Saturday, and Sydney is on a weeknight. Saturday sends a strong signal that the day is about leisure and not work. And allows people to come who can't get the day off work. A weekday evening says the same thing, but I can't stay awake past 9pm and hopefully we'll too many speakers to get through in only a few hours.
www.interestingnewyork.com will be where people can find everything they want to know about the day - once we build it.
The next steps are:
- choosing a venue. We're estimating for 300
people. Maybe that's optimistic, I don't know. Early ideas are 92nd ST. Y, NYU Tish, Art Directors Club.
- building a website - for publicity, keeping people updated, and as a place where potential speakers can submit their topics.
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