There's a great little exhibit on toy history at the Wisconsin Historical Society in Madison.
It occurred to me while I was walking through, how much toys try to teach us about life and how they reflect the times.

Like an SUV for kids. Both personal transportation and good for hauling things.

Before there was video games, there was electronic football. The user had absolutely no control over where the pieces moved.

Same idea as Bob the Builder. Who doesn't like construction?

You can freeze frame, pause, and rewind.

Building for gifted kids.

Not sure what these games were about. Never really played them.

Agricultural training toys.

Like interactive detective tv shows.

Were these supposed to teach us that insects aren't that scary?

Wiffle ball. A great solution for one-on-one baseball.

Playdough. Still useful for creativity exercise.

Teaching our girls to be housewives.

The cowboy mythology . President's still get elected by tapping into this myth.

Early CSI lab.

Space. The final frontier.

Couldn't really stop the power of television.


Personal transportation for kids and ad agency execs.

Things that sing and make noise.

House for boys?

Genius. Build an elaborate trap for a simple chore. (sometimes what planners do)

War is the answer!

And people think video games are violent.
Learn about careerism and family planning.

Is this about playing surgeon or playing doctor?

Authority and coercion games.

Creative tools.

Learn to sit in traffic jams.

War is the answer!

Dare-deviling. Cool.

Can't remember what these were about.

Counterintuitive chemistry I guess. Things shrink when heated?

Never played role playing games. I hear they're popular.

Can't see any redeeming qualities in this game.

Early days of manipulating what's on TV.

The revolution will be televised. I like how it says Video Computer System near the cartridge input. It's like it was struggling to be taken seriously and thought 'video game' was too childish.

Mobile video games. Great for keeping kids occupied on long car trips.

I never had the patience for the rubik's cube.

What was the attraction to these?

Power for little people.

I'm too old to know what these were about.

Made a billion off trivia.

My Little Pony?

The best summer toy ever.

These seem to be new ones I know nothing about.
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