I broke one of the cardinal rules the sales people at Jean Shop were very explicit about. I got my jeans wet.
In my defense, it was an accident. On my ride home it started raining. I wasn't about to stop and run for cover. It was dark and I had no lights on my bike. I chose to keep peddling and risk a smackdown by the denim police.
Can I just say that riding in wet denim is no picnic? When denim gets wet it acts like a thirsty elephant soaking up all the water in the immediate vicinity. And wet jeans tend to stick to your legs like a horny puppy. While it didn't rain too hard, my jeans soaked up enough water to feel cold and damp when I got home.
So I thought I'd take advantage of the mistake and try
one of the more traditional appraoches to custom-fitting new jeans.
I let them dry on me. I sat around my apartment in slightly wet denim until they
seemed sufficiently dry to hang them back in the closet. It looks like it may worked, adding deeper and more pronounced creases in all the right places.